
I was born and raised in Buenos Aires (Argentina) and was lucky enough to spend most of my summers and winters on my family’s farm. This motivated me to study Agronomy at the University of Buenos Aires, where I worked as a research assistant and teaching assistant in Applied Biochemistry and Crop Physiology. Over time, my research in crop science fueled my interest for applied statistics. Very frequently, I found myself delving into the literature to identify the best statistical approaches for the problems I was facing. This cultivated a deep interest in applied statistics, agricultural statistics, and applied Bayesian statistics.

After earning my B.S. in Agronomy, I pursued an M.Sc. in Statistics (Math option) and a Ph.D. in Agronomy at Kansas State University. Most of my research contributions so far are methodological development and translational statistics to solve problems in crop physiology and plant breeding. I am committed to helping develop the statistical literacy of our future generations of agricultural scientists.

My research interests are applied statistics in agriculture, experimental design, and applied Bayesian statistics.

You can find my complete CV here.

I love playing volleyball and soccer, climbing, hiking, reading, cooking, and spending time outdoors with family and friends (see picture below).