A practical guide to estimating the light extinction coefficient with nonlinear models—a case study on maize

Published in Plant Methods, 2021

Recommended citation: Lacasa, J., Hefley, T.J., Otegui, M.E., Ciampitti, I.A., (2021). "A practical guide to estimating the light extinction coefficient with nonlinear models—a case study on maize." Plant Methods. 17, 60 (2021). https://plantmethods.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13007-021-00753-2

Each estimation technique has underlying assumptions which may yield different estimates of k and change inference, like the magnitude and rankings among genotypes. Thus, for reproducibility, researchers must fully report the statistical model, assumptions, and estimation technique. This workflow and technique comparison can be applied to other plant canopy models, such as the vertical distribution of nitrogen, carbohydrates, photosynthesis, etc. Users should select the method balancing benefits and tradeoffs matching the purpose of the study.

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Recommended citation: Lacasa, J., Hefley, T.J., Otegui, M.E. et al. A practical guide to estimating the light extinction coefficient with nonlinear models—a case study on maize. Plant Methods 17, 60 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1186/s13007-021-00753-2