Day 29 - 10/28/2024

Mixed Models

  • A combination of “fixed effects” and “random effects”.
  • Slap a new set of assumptions on top of the ones we had.
  • We estimate fixed effects, \(\mu, \boldsymbol{\beta}\), and random effects, \(\sigma^2_u, \sigma^2_v, \sigma^2_{\varepsilon}\), etc.
  • Review the assumptions of the general linear model vs. the general linear mixed model.
  • Discuss the type of data needed for a variable with random effects.

Fixed effects, random effects

  • When should we consider random/fixed effects? There are many opinions about this - see Gelman (2005), page 20.
  • A few differences:
    • Methods of estimation. LSE, shrinkage.
    • What process is being studied? (interest at the population-level versus at the individual-level)
    • How many levels does the factor have, vs. how many did we record?
    • Different types of inference we obtain.
  • Should blocks be fixed or random?

Restricted maximum likelihood (REML)

  • REML is the default in most cases because, for small data (aka most cases), maximum likelihood (ML) provides variance estimates that are downward biased.

  • Why is the unbiased estimation of variance components so important?

    • Relationship between variance estimates, standard error, confidence intervals, t-tests, type I error.
  • In REML, the likelihood is maximized after accounting for the model’s fixed effects.

  • In ML, \(-\ell_{ML}(\boldsymbol{\sigma; \boldsymbol{\beta}, \mathbf{y}}) = - (\frac{n}{2}) \log(2\pi)-(\frac{1}{2}) \log (|\mathbf{V}(\boldsymbol\sigma)|) - (\frac{1}{2}) (\mathbf{y}-\mathbf{X}\boldsymbol{\beta})^T[\mathbf{V}(\boldsymbol\sigma)]^{-1}(\mathbf{y}-\mathbf{X}\boldsymbol{\beta})\)

  • In REML, \(\ell_{REML}(\boldsymbol{\sigma};\mathbf{y}) = - (\frac{n-p}{2}) \log (2\pi) - (\frac{1}{2}) \log (|\mathbf{V}(\boldsymbol\sigma)|) - (\frac{1}{2})log \left( |\mathbf{X}^T[\mathbf{V}(\boldsymbol\sigma)]^{-1}\mathbf{X}|\right) - (\frac{1}{2})\mathbf{r}[\mathbf{V}(\boldsymbol\sigma)]^{-1}\mathbf{r}\), where \(p = rank(\mathbf{X})\) and \(\mathbf{r} = \mathbf{y}-\mathbf{X}\hat{\boldsymbol{\beta}}_{ML}\).

    • Start with initial values for \(\boldsymbol\sigma\), \(\tilde{\boldsymbol{\sigma}}\).
    • Compute \(\mathbf{G}(\tilde{\boldsymbol{\sigma}})\) and \(\mathbf{R}(\tilde{\boldsymbol{\sigma}})\).
    • Obtain \(\boldsymbol{\beta}\) and \(\mathbf{b}\).
    • Update \(\tilde{\boldsymbol{\sigma}}\).
    • Repeat until convergence.

An applied example

  • Review last class (shrinkage)
  • Randomized complete block designs
dd <- gilmour.serpentine
dd <- dd %>% 
  mutate(rowf=factor(row), colf=factor(10*(col-8)))
'data.frame':   330 obs. of  7 variables:
 $ col  : int  1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
 $ row  : int  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
 $ rep  : Factor w/ 3 levels "R1","R2","R3": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
 $ gen  : Factor w/ 107 levels "(WWH*MM)*WR*",..: 4 10 15 17 21 32 33 34 72 74 ...
 $ yield: int  483 526 557 564 498 510 344 600 466 370 ...
 $ rowf : Factor w/ 22 levels "1","2","3","4",..: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
 $ colf : Factor w/ 15 levels "-70","-60","-50",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
polygon <- data.frame(rep = rep(c("R1", "R2", "R3"), each = 4), 
           col = rep(c(.5, 5.5, .5, 10.5, 10.5, 15.5), each =2), 
           row = rep(c(.5, 22.5, 22.5, .5), 3))
dd %>% 
  ggplot(aes(col, row))+
  geom_raster(aes(fill = yield))+
  geom_polygon(aes(group = rep),
               data = polygon,
               fill = NA, color = 'black')+
  rcartocolor::scale_fill_carto_c(palette = "Earth",
                                  name = expression(Yield~(g~m^{-2}))) +
  labs(x = "Col", 
       y = "Row")


m_fixed <- lm(yield ~ 0 + gen + rep, data = dd)
m_mixed <- lme(yield ~ 0 + gen,
               random = ~ 1 | rep,
               data = dd)
Linear mixed-effects model fit by REML
  Data: dd 
  Log-restricted-likelihood: -1440.145
  Fixed: yield ~ 0 + gen 
gen(WWH*MM)*WR* gen(WqKPWmH*3Ag        genAMERY        genANGAS       genAROONA 
       709.0000        733.3333        615.6667        576.3333        555.3333 
     genBATAVIA        genBD231       genBEULAH        genBLADE genBT_SCHOMBURG 
       533.6667        638.6667        535.3333        439.0000        660.0000 
      genCADOUX       genCONDOR     genCORRIGIN   genCUNNINGHAM genDGR/MNX-9-9e 
       485.6667        584.6667        491.3333        454.3333        661.3333 
  genDOLLARBIRD    genEXCALIBUR       genGOROKE      genHALBERD      genHOUTMAN 
       508.3333        654.0000        567.3333        655.6667        499.6667 
        genJANZ     genK2011-5*      genKATUNGA        genKIATA         genKITE 
       494.3333        621.6667        598.6667        543.3333        529.0000 
       genKULIN         genLARK        genLOWAN        genM4997        genM5075 
       618.0000        372.6667        556.6667        563.0000        514.3333 
       genM5097      genMACHETE      genMEERING     genMOLINEUX       genOSPREY 
       606.3333        477.6667        461.3333        543.3333        547.0000 
       genOUYEN        genOXLEY      genPELSART      genPEROUSE       genRAC655 
       572.3333        487.3333        508.6667        425.3333        596.3333 
   genRAC655'S'       genRAC696       genRAC710       genRAC750       genRAC759 
       595.3333        705.3333        658.0000        631.6667        667.0000 
      genRAC772       genRAC777       genRAC779       genRAC787       genRAC791 
       714.0000        536.6667        712.6667        591.0000        636.3333 
      genRAC792       genRAC798       genRAC804       genRAC805       genRAC806 
       606.6667        707.3333        664.0000        666.0000        673.6667 
      genRAC807       genRAC808       genRAC809       genRAC810       genRAC811 
       617.6667        655.0000        665.6667        577.3333        751.3333 
      genRAC812       genRAC813       genRAC814       genRAC815       genRAC816 
       615.0000        625.6667        636.6667        598.0000        642.6667 
      genRAC817       genRAC818       genRAC819       genRAC820       genRAC821 
       609.0000        602.0000        587.6667        708.0000        610.6667 
     genROSELLA   genSCHOMBURGK       genSHRIKE        genSPEAR     genSTILETTO 
       524.6667        576.6667        581.0000        454.3333        552.0000 
      genSUNBRI     genSUNFIELD      genSUNLAND        genSWIFT       genTASMAN 
       490.6667        502.3333        526.3333        512.0000        548.0000 
     genTATIARA    genTINCURRIN      genTRIDENT        genVF299        genVF300 
       644.6667        690.0000        576.3333        642.6667        597.3333 
       genVF302        genVF508        genVF519        genVF655        genVF664 
       600.6667        720.6667        708.0000        548.8333        602.3333 
       genVG127        genVG503        genVG506        genVG701        genVG714 
       599.3333        666.0000        600.3333        689.6667        600.6667 
       genVG878      genWARBLER        genWI216        genWI221        genWI231 
       761.3333        492.0000        713.0000        691.6667        490.6667 
       genWI232     genWILGOYNE       genWW1402       genWW1477       genWW1831 
       652.6667        578.0000        591.6667        523.3333        622.3333 
       genWYUNA   genYARRALINKA 
       532.3333        464.0000 

Random effects:
 Formula: ~1 | rep
        (Intercept) Residual
StdDev:    112.8552 115.5814

Number of Observations: 330
Number of Groups: 3 

Modeling assumptions

dd$residuals <- residuals(m_mixed)

dd %>% 
  ggplot(aes(col, row))+
  geom_raster(aes(fill = residuals))+
  geom_polygon(aes(group = rep),
               data = polygon,
               fill = NA, color = 'black')+
  rcartocolor::scale_fill_carto_c(palette = "ArmyRose",
                                  direction = -1,
                                  name = expression(Yield~(g~m^{-2}))) +
  labs(x = "Col", 
       y = "Row")

This is mgcv 1.9-1. For overview type 'help("mgcv-package")'.
m_fixed_spatial <- gam(yield ~ 0 + gen + rep + s(col, row, bs = "tp", k =7), 
                       data = dd)
dd$residuals_gam <- residuals(m_fixed_spatial)

dd %>% 
  ggplot(aes(col, row))+
  geom_raster(aes(fill = residuals_gam))+
  geom_polygon(aes(group = rep),
               data = polygon,
               fill = NA, color = 'black')+
  rcartocolor::scale_fill_carto_c(palette = "ArmyRose",
                                  direction = -1,
                                  name = expression(Yield~(g~m^{-2}))) +
  labs(x = "Col", 
       y = "Row")

## compare standard errors
gen(WWH*MM)*WR* gen(WqKPWmH*3Ag        genAMERY        genANGAS       genAROONA 
       67.33486        67.33486        67.33486        67.33486        67.33486 
     genBATAVIA        genBD231       genBEULAH        genBLADE genBT_SCHOMBURG 
       67.33486        67.33486        67.33486        67.33486        67.33486 
gen(WWH*MM)*WR* gen(WqKPWmH*3Ag        genAMERY        genANGAS       genAROONA 
       50.59686        52.60848        53.99190        56.07331        53.81076 
     genBATAVIA        genBD231       genBEULAH        genBLADE genBT_SCHOMBURG 
       52.76777        51.39533        53.51531        52.50959        54.14242