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Bayesian approach for maize yield response to plant density from both agronomic and economic viewpoints in North America

Published in Scientific Reports, 2020

This was my first peer-reviewed publication, working under Dr. Ciampitti as a student intern.

Recommended citation: Lacasa, J., Gaspar, A., Hinds, M. et al. "Bayesian approach for maize yield response to plant density from both agronomic and economic viewpoints in North America." Sci Rep 10, 15948 (2020)

A practical guide to estimating the light extinction coefficient with nonlinear models—a case study on maize

Published in Plant Methods, 2021

Each estimation technique has underlying assumptions which may yield different estimates of k and change inference, like the magnitude and rankings among genotypes. Thus, for reproducibility, researchers must fully report the statistical model, assumptions, and estimation technique.

Recommended citation: Lacasa, J., Hefley, T.J., Otegui, M.E., Ciampitti, I.A., (2021). "A practical guide to estimating the light extinction coefficient with nonlinear models—a case study on maize." Plant Methods. 17, 60 (2021).

Breeding effects on canopy light attenuation in maize: a retrospective and prospective analysis

Published in Journal of Experimental Botany, 2022

A reliable assessment of changes in k over time is critical for predicting (i) modifications in resource use efficiency (e.g. radiation, water, and N), improving estimations derived from crop simulation models; (ii) differences in productivity caused by management practices; and (iii) limitations to further exploit this trait with breeding.

Recommended citation: Josefina Lacasa et al. (2022). "Breeding effects on canopy light attenuation in maize: a retrospective and prospective analysis." Journal of Experimental Botany. Volume 73, Issue 5, 2 March 2022, Pages 1301–1311.

A probabilistic framework for forecasting maize crop yield response to agricultural inputs with sub-seasonal climate predictions

Published in Environmental Research Letters, 2023

This study may contribute to the development of decision-support tools that can trigger discussions between farmers and consultants about management strategies and their associated risks.

Recommended citation: Lacasa, J., Messina, C.D., and Ciampitti I.A. "A probabilistic framework for forecasting maize crop yield response to agricultural inputs with sub-seasonal climate predictions." Environ. Res. Lett. (2023)



An introduction to applied statistics in R - 2021

3-month long course, Kansas State University, Department of Agronomy, Ciampitti Lab, 2021

Student-led course for undergraduate students and visiting scholars at Ciampitti Lab (K-State) as an introduction to R programming and applied statistics.

Crop Science (AGRON 220) [TA]

Undergraduate course, Kansas State University, Department of Agronomy, 2021

Teaching assistant in undergraduate course teaching principles underlying practices used in the culture of grain and forage crops.