Final project

Semester projects may deal with any topic that interests you [the student], as long as it is approved by the instructors.

Broadly, projects are expected to identify a research problem and elaborate a statistical model that is appropriate for solving that problem. Projects consist of a manuscript and a tutorial that describes all the steps of the analysis in a reproducible manner.

Learning objectives

  1. Be able to identify a statistical model that is appropriate for answering a given research question.
  2. Be able to evaluate said statistical model and reflect on strengths and weaknesses.
  3. Be able to interpret and communicate the results.

Partial deadlines

Project proposal Due Friday September 13 at 2pm CT

Write a page-long project proposal that states the problem, the objective of the project, and explains the data that will be used.
An example of an appropriate project proposal can be found here.

Written report Due Friday November 22 at 2pm CT

Submit a report containing:

  1. A manuscript with Introduction, Methods (including a clear and complete description of the statistical model), Results and Conclusions.
  2. A tutorial with code and detailed comments.

Detailed due dates

  • Friday November 22 at 2pm CT: send to your classmate for peer review.
  • Monday December 2 at 2pm CT: return review to your classmate.
  • December 9-13: schedule final presentations.
  • December 13 11:59 pm CT: send final report and tutorial.

Practical reads

  1. Broman, K. W., & Woo, K. H. (2018). Data Organization in Spreadsheets. The American Statistician, 72(1), 2–10.