Homework 1 Due Tuesday August 27 at 2pm CT
Learning objectives
- Check R skills.
- Review concepts.
In an Rmd file, complete the exercises below and knit to pdf or html. Submit the (pdf or html) file to canvas. Please name your file “Assignment1_YourLastName” (e.g., Assignment1_Smith.pdf). Download template .Rmd here.
Exercise 1.
Load the data using the R code below and visualize the relationship between day of the year (doy) and stem length. Propose a statistical model to describe this relationship using statistical notation. Your can write it out using LaTeX, or writing it out on paper and pasting the picture in your Rmd.
url <- "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jlacasa/stat705_fall2024/main/classes/data/lotus_hw1.csv"
data <- read.csv(url)
Exercise 2.
When you read the newspaper this week, find an article with a statement that is backed up by a statistical analysis.
- Paste the article url in your handout and point at the statistical analysis.
- List one strength and one weakness of this analysis.